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SoxProspects News

June 16, 2024 at 11:55 AM

2024 SoxProspects Donation Drive

Hello readers and listeners! Now that the minor league season is fully underway, we're asking for your help to raise $10,000 to keep SoxProspects.com running on all cylinders. We have kept the site free for over 20 years now, and we hope to do so for the foreseeable future. As we scout dozens of games first-hand each year, travel costs pile up. Donations help cover site costs in two primary areas: (1) first-hand coverage travel costs for scouting; and (2) general IT costs such as hardware, software, internet costs, and hosting fees.

In recent years, readers have made donations ranging from $5 to $250 to help defray these costs. We ultimately raised about $10,000 in connection with our 2023 drive. Thanks so much to everyone who chipped in! 

While we've remained free, other prospect sites charge for content. For example, Baseball America charges about $100 per year for a digital subscription. We think BA is fantastic and absolutely worthy of a subscription, we have one! We’d like to think that our content would be worthy of comparable rates if we ever decided to go that route, but we've decided that we want to keep the site running for free for as long as we can. Donations from regular readers go a long way towards making that happen.

Ultimately, through about August 1, we are asking our readers to donate if they can to help keep SoxProspects.com free to the public. If you want to donate, first, we would like to thank you profusely – it’s truly appreciated! To donate, visit our DONATIONS PAGE. All payments are secured through PayPal, although you don’t need a PayPal account to contribute. 

Last, to any of our regular readers that are not members of the SoxProspects Forum, please feel free to sign up! We’d love to get some new members in on the discussion and some new ideas floated around during our peak season! As always, thanks to all of our readers for visiting the site and all of our forum members for posting!

The SoxProspects.com Team