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A few roster notes from minor league camp this weekend ... DSL players PedroRodriguez, Brandon Ulloa, Victor De La Cruz, and Chris De La Rosa were each let go this off-season ... De La Cruz and De La Rosa had both been suspended under MLB's drug policy ... Look for most 2009 DSL Red Sox players to repeat the level this year ... The only 2009 DSL players that are tabbed to make the jump to the States this season are Manny Rivera, Roman Mendez, Jose Garcia, and Juan Bonifacio ... Oscar Perez should also start in the GCL and Eddie Lora is in camp battling for a spot with the GCL affiliate... Players like RaynelVellette, Javier Jimenez, Danny Dilon, Leonel Escobar, and Rafael Espinoza will probably repeat the DSL ... Darren Blocker reported to camp this weekend and is battling for a roster spot in Greenville ... Sandy Madera has actually been in catching gear all week, and is now listed a catcher ... Aaron Bates may get some time at third base this year ... Almost every player has reported to camp - two exceptions are Jose Garcia and Miguel Marquez, both of whom are experiencing visa delays ... Wilfred Pichardo is taking full batting practice, and looks like he could be ready for the season ... Ty Weeden injured his hamate bone last week, and we hear that he's done for the year ... A slight retraction from a report earlier this week - it's not definite that Austin Bailey will be 100% for the start of the season, and it seems uncertain whether he will start in XST or if he'll earn a roster spot right out of the gate ... Ryan Colvin continues his rehab and hopes to return to game action in July ... Jordan Craft got struck by a batted ball on his throwing arm last year, and it's been a tough road returning from that injury ... He's been throwing off a mound, but has yet to throw to hitters ... Zach Borowiak took some grounders at third base in the early morning yesterday, and looked spectacular defensively ... Kyle Stroup reported to camp overweight ... Like all of the other players, he'll need to run the 1.5 mile "mega-loop" around the complex in under eighteen minutes before he can step onto the field ... Che-Hsuan Lin and Chih-Hsien Chiang took the filed yesterday after returning from the WBC ... Will Middlebrooks' rehab is going better than initially expected, and we could actually see him take the field in late April.